Sin, addictions and faith based therapy - with  Penny and Andrew Wilkinson

Sin, addictions and faith based therapy - with  Penny and Andrew Wilkinson

How do we as pastors help people with addictions? Addictions to alcohol, gambling, narcotics, gaming and sex addictions.

How much is sin? How much is addiction? 

Penny Wilkinson and her husband Andrew direct the Overcomers Outreach ministry ( and the Overcomers Place ( in Sydney. 

Penny has just marked 20 years of Sobriety, having had her last drink of alcohol on 18 March 2003.

Correlations between leadership behaviours and ministry burnout - with Valerine Ling

Correlations between leadership behaviours and ministry burnout - with Valerine Ling

Boldy and unapologetically trembling at God’s word - with Phil Colgan and Paul Grimmond. 

Boldy and unapologetically trembling at God’s word - with Phil Colgan and Paul Grimmond.