'Rosters are contrary to the gospel' says Rhett Harris

EV Church's 'Rhett Harris was super provocative at a ministry conference a while back. As Rhett was promoting ministry teams, he was arguing that rostering is contrary to the gospel,' says Dominic Steele.

'I thought, "I can't let him get away with these statement and maintain credibility," so I pushed back, and we had a big debate in front of the whole seminar group.'

Raising up apprentices, training and mentoring with Evan McFarlane

Evan McFarlane leads the training of around five trainees each year at St Paul's Anglican at Carlingford, Sydney.  Excitingly in one of the congregations that Evan pastors, 80% of members are involved in 1:1 discipleship.   From this group there has been a steady flow of young men and women putting themselves forward for Christian Ministry.