Archbishop Foley Beach on his hopes for the week

Archbishop Foley Beach on his hopes for the week

As the GAFCON conference starts we spoke to `Gafcon `Chair Foley Beach about his hopes for the week.

As the GAFCON conference starts we spoke to `Gafcon `Chair Foley Beach about his hopes for the week. Foley Beach the chair of Gafcon is a down to earth Christian. Despite having the responsibility of leading the Anglican Church in North America his preaching connects directly to the struggles, spiritual and otherwise of ordinary people. He knows conservative christians are sinners too and he brings a realism to his Gafcon work.

Details and to subscribe: The Pastor’s Heart coverage of Gafcon is brought to you by Anglican Aid. Anglican Aid is the aid, development and ministry support agency of Sydney Anglicans in partnership with the global church. We long to see the grace of God overflow to a world in need. #thepastorsheart #gafcon23 #heartofgafcon #globalanglicans

How the Gafcon statement is being put together with Statement Committee Chair Bishop Micheal Stead

How the Gafcon statement is being put together with Statement Committee Chair Bishop Micheal Stead

Monday Livestream | Day One

Monday Livestream | Day One